====== Tasks (as of 2017-10-10) ====== This is a (living) list of my tasks at GTALUG: * One-to-one communications * Sending Announce Emails * Social Networks ([[https://twitter.com/gtalug|Twitter]], [[https://www.facebook.com/gtalug|Facebook]], & [[https://mastodon.social/@gtalug|Mastodon]]). * Managing the infrastructure * Mailing lists * Dealing with bad email providers * Making sure ''gtalug.org'' isn't on any blacklists * General server maintenance * Upgrading the server * Running ''sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade'' ever couple of months * Monitoring the ''root@gtalug.org'' email address * Chair of the Board * Make sure Chris has done the agenda before the Ops meeting * Publish the meeting agenda and notes to ''board.gtalug.org'' * Attending board meetings. * Mailing List Moderation * Make sure people receive mailing list items properly * Banning people when their email won't stop sending spam to the list * Approving the first message people send to the list * Being the point person for all issues related to the mailing list * Speaker Coordinator * email speaker before meeting * see what requirements their talk needs * find speakers * Updating the website