Before the meeting:

  • Find out who the speaker is
  • Get a bio of the speaker and a brief description of the talk.

Day of meeting:

19:30 call the meeting to order

Present agenda:

  • Business Discussion (if any)
  • Directors reports (if any)
  • Speaker / Discussion

Follow Agenda (as required):

  • Bring up any new business
  • Ask directors if they have any reports
  • Introduce speaker and/or bring up discussion details
  • Moderate questions / discussion

For Moderation: The chair is not attached to the subject so much as the discussion itself. The goal is a productive exploration of ideas. When people get excited they may forget to be considerate. The chair should aware of the tone and be prepared to firmly and as gracefully steer the discussion in a direction that is inclusive and constructive.

21:00 adjourn meeting / Open discussion

  • operations/roles/meeting-mod.txt
  • Last modified: 4 years ago
  • by aheighway