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event:linux_in_the_park_2017 [2017/07/22 13:48] [I'm Bringing to Share (Drinks)]
event:linux_in_the_park_2017 [2017/07/22 21:07] (current)
daviding Linux in the Park 2017 photo
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 ====== Linux in the Park 2017 ====== ====== Linux in the Park 2017 ======
 +[[https://​www.flickr.com/​photos/​daviding/​35926875202/​ | Image on Flickr]]
 Linux in the Park is an annual meeting of GTALUG members in a Park for a potluck style BBQ. Linux in the Park is an annual meeting of GTALUG members in a Park for a potluck style BBQ.
  • event/linux_in_the_park_2017.1500745729.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 8 years ago
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