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event:linux_in_the_park_2019 [2019/07/22 13:26]
cbbrowne [Suggestion Box]
event:linux_in_the_park_2019 [2019/07/22 14:46] (current)
cbbrowne [Linux in the Park 2019]
Line 4: Line 4:
   * **Where**: Dufferin Grove Park   * **Where**: Dufferin Grove Park
-  * **When**: 20 or 27 July 2018, 2pm+  * **When**: 20 July 2018, 2pm
 ===== RSVP ===== ===== RSVP =====
  • event/linux_in_the_park_2019.1563816389.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 6 years ago
  • by cbbrowne