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meeting:2016-06 [2016/05/31 11:48]
myles created
meeting:2016-06 [2016/07/08 14:33] (current)
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   * [[https://​gtalug.org/​meeting/​2016-06/​|Meeting Link]]   * [[https://​gtalug.org/​meeting/​2016-06/​|Meeting Link]]
 +===== Pre-Meeting Announcements =====
 +  * [[event:​linux_in_the_park_2016|Linux in the Park 2016]]
 +    * Possible Dates
 +      * <​del>​16 July</​del>​
 +      * **23 July**
 +      * <​del>​13 August</​del>​
 +      * <​del>​20 August</​del>​
 +    * Planning Logistics
 +      * All planning is being done in the wiki @ <​http://​bit.ly/​litp-2016>​
 +      * What do people want?
 +      * What do people plan to bring?
 +  * Upcoming Events
 +    * June
 +      * 26 June 2016 at 2pm - [[https://​www.eventbrite.ca/​e/​hacklab-junk-independence-day-tickets-25742333011?​aff=es2|HackLab.TO Junk Independence Day]] - Bring your e-waste, root around in other people e-waste, and walk home with new treasure.
 +      * 27 June 2016 at 7pm - [[http://​www.meetup.com/​Toronto-Perl-Mongers/​events/​231418224/​|Damian Conway -- Perl 6: More Concurrency,​ Less Contusion]] - Even if you have no interest in Perl, Damian is always interesting.
 +      * 28 June 2016 at 7pm - [[http://​www.meetup.com/​Toronto-Perl-Mongers/​events/​231418278/​|Damian Conway -- On the Shoulders of Giants: 400 Years of Perl 6]]
 +    * July
 +      * 6 July 2016 at 7pm - [[https://​www.eventbrite.ca/​e/​guerilla-gardening-seed-bombs-tickets-25675723781?​aff=es2|Guerilla Gardening: Seed Bombs at HackLab.TO]]
 +      * 27 July 2016 at 6pm - [[http://​www.meetup.com/​Toronto-Pivotal-User-Group/​events/​227459952/​|BOSH 101 with David Ing]] - Our [[https://​gtalug.org/​meeting/​2014-08/​|August 2014]] meeting was on BOSH so if you are looking for a refresh you should definitely check this out.
 +    * August
 +      * 6 August 2016 at 6pm - [[http://​www.meetup.com/​PebbleTO/​events/​224057584/​|Dan Harrison on his battles and winnings creating a SalesForce client for Pebble Watch]] - Pebble Toronto Developer Meetup
 +===== Notes =====
 +===== Meta =====
 +  * **Dinner**: [[:​pre-meeting_dinner#​basil_box|Basil Box]]
 +  * **Attendance**:​ 28
 +  * **End Time**: 9:02pm
 +  * Meeting was formated as a 30 minute talk with the rest being an speaker lead discussion.
 +  * You can reserve tables at the library.
  • meeting/2016-06.1464709680.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 9 years ago
  • by myles