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operations:project:start [2017/03/16 09:34]
myles [Doing]
operations:project:start [2017/06/15 15:35] (current)
myles [Ongoing]
Line 7: Line 7:
 ===== ToDo ===== ===== ToDo =====
-  * [[Linode Migration]] 
   * [[Mailman 3]]   * [[Mailman 3]]
   * [[Website Refresh]]   * [[Website Refresh]]
   * [[Branding Refresh]]   * [[Branding Refresh]]
 +  * [[Workshops]]
 <​newcolumn>​ <​newcolumn>​
Line 16: Line 16:
 ===== Doing ===== ===== Doing =====
-  * [[Recording Meetings]]+  * [[Linode Migration]]
 <​newcolumn>​ <​newcolumn>​
-===== Done =====+===== Ongoing ​===== 
 +  * [[Recording Meetings]] 
 +  * [[https://​github.com/​gtalug/​mr-meeseeks|Mr. Meeseeks]] - GTALUG'​s tickler system. 
 </​columns>​ </​columns>​
 +===== Done =====
  • operations/project/start.1489671247.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 8 years ago
  • by myles